A limited number of scholarships are available to support Congress attendance by young investigators to defray costs for registration, travel and lodging up to Euro 1,000 per scholarship.
Applications for scholarship can be submitted in advance, but to receive funding the candidate must meet the following criteria:
1. Be within 5 years of completion of doctorate, post-doc, fellowship or other postgraduate training.
2. Have an abstract submitted to the Congress that has been accepted for presentation by the Scientific Committee.
3. Have a valid visa to enter Ireland during the Congress or proof that such visa is not necessary.
4. A letter of support from the candidate’s supervisor or mentor and proof that the supervisor/mentor will also attend the Congress.
To apply, please submit a one-page letter that comprises the following elements:
1. Name, address, and title of the candidate.
2. Academic institution or place of current employment.
3. Biographic introduction that includes training and year of study completion and area of research.
4. Title of submitted abstract.
5. Statement of need; please specify Euro amounts needed for registration, travel, and lodging, not to exceed E. 1000.
6. Name and title of supervisor/mentor.
The letter and supporting documentation may be submitted via email to: [email protected]
Applications will be reviewed by the scholarship committee and a final disposition will be made by April 15, 2018